
We have high standards for behavior. Children are taught to respect themselves, others, physical space and materials. We handle behavioral issues with love, logic and positive reinforcement. We say what me mean and mean what we say. Children will be well aware of the rules and expectations that are set. A single reminder will be given on the first infraction with positive language, redirecting the child’s attention to a new activity, the second infraction will result in lost rewards or a timeout (one minute per age). Upon completion of a timeout a child will be asked to identify why they were placed in time out and what they should have done/will do the next time they encounter the same incident. This is the most important part of the process in disciplining a child. They need to completely understand the situation and grow from the experience!! If a child has continued disruptive or aggressive behavior a private parent meeting will be called. If the child harms himself or others repeatedly (three or more incidences in a week) after the parent meeting has been called the child will be asked to leave and a week notification will be given for the parents to find new care.


For infants and toddlers behavior is modeled, redirected and modeled again. Routines and schedules help immensely with infant and toddler behavior. It takes time and patience to get into a routine but toddlers and infants crave the stability of a schedule.

Routines, routines, routines: this helps us set high expectations and creates wonderful life long habits.